Online Husky School Directory => Sign up now! Sign up for the Online Husky School Directory so you can keep in touch and make playdates with other CPS students! Also, don't forget to also stop by our Donation page. All donations go to support our fundraising efforts for Curriculum Enrichment and Faculty and Staff grants. For questions, contact Niressa at [email protected].
Amazon Smile - Set CARLISLE PTO as your charity – it’s free and easy to use! If you are already an Amazon member, just type in Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases.
School Supply Kit => Sale runs May 3 – June 11 Take advantage and order your school supply kits for your students. Save yourself the time spent shopping for school supplies and order today! For questions, contact Jennifer at [email protected].
Husky Spirit T-Shirts => Spirit Shirts on Sale NOW! Order your new student her/his Husky Spirit T-Shirt for next year! Spirit shirts are worn on designated ‘spirit days’ and school field trips. For questions, contact Ruth at [email protected].
Room Parent Volunteers => Submit your interest by June 11 Consider becoming a Room Parent Volunteer for your child’s classroom and help organize volunteers, meet other parents and more. For more information and to submit your interest, email Heather at [email protected]
Mabel’s Labels Frustrated by all the things your kids seem to lose at school? Select CARLISLE PTO under fundraising and get cute, durable, personalized, and waterproof labels for all your kid’s stuff from Mabel’s Label and they will give 20% back to help support CPS.
*All funding raised supports Faculty & Staff Grants and Curriculum Enrichment Programs for our students. Contact us todayto learn more about the amazing work we can do together!